Friday, June 05, 2009

Five People You Meet in Heaven

I am re-reading the book, "The Five Person You Meet in Heaven," by Mitch Albom. Mitch is also the author of the phenomenal number one bestseller "Tuesdays with Morrie."

The main character, Eddie, is a grizzled war veteran who feels trapped in the toil of his father before him, fixing rides at a seaside amusement park. Over the years, Eddie changed from optimistic youth to embittered old age. The war left him wounded. His days tumbled into one another, a mix of loneliness, regret and said dreams of what could have been.

On his 83th birthday, Eddie dies in a tragic accident, trying to save a little girl from a falling cart. He awakens in the afterlife, a place where your earthly life is explained to you by five people who were in it. As Eddie desperately seeks redemption and the true meaning of his life, the answer, which comes from the most unlikely of sources, is as magical and inspirational as a glimpse of heaven itself.

The book of fiction was later adapted for a made-for-TV movie. I have watched that too and it is very moving and inspirational. You should be able to find the book as well as DVD from the local national libraries.

As we live through our lives seeking for the meaning and purpose of our existence in this world, may this story shed a glimpse of what your true calling and life purpose are. And how our lives are connected to others, bringing them impact, for the better or worse.

Hopefully we don't have to wait until we meet the fiver people in heaven to tell us that!

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